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Sales Kick Off 2020 visual language.

Stakeholders: I worked with C-level executives, their Chiefs of Staff and Admins, the internal events team, our design team, and external vendors.

Problem: Sales Kick Off (SKO) is our CEO's favorite event of the year, because it sets the tone and energy for sales for the next year and this was our CMO's first SKO with our company so it was imperative that the event be executed flawlessly.

Solution: We treated this internal event like our external annual conference. Our theme, based on one of our core values, Be Bold naturally lent itself to a heavier weight of our font Gotham. Taking place at the Phoenician in Arizona, Camelback Mountain was a beautiful backdrop, so for my proposal, I carved Camelback's silhouette out of the letters of Bold as a nod to both the location, the CEO's mountain climbing metaphor, and our mountain climbing guest speaker.

My design was chosen, and as this was third time my design was chosen for a sales kick off, I was prepared to create a comprehensive graphic kit. In addition to our normal directional signage, swag, and keynotes, we were also creating more decorative signage and the swag was more intentional and coordinated.

The thicker weight of the letters also allowed us to mask imagery for the decorative signage and for our showcasing our guest speaker.

I carved out Camelback's silhouette from the letters of Bold and tucked "SKO 2020" into the negative space.

Bold is one of our five core values, and the five colors of our TIBCO core value icons reinforced the theme throughout various aspects of the event. The five colors acted as a vehicle for our color coding system as this was the first year we had such a large global SKO, with all four of our company's regions in attendance: North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Each region was assigned a color and every attendee from that region would receive a coordinated badge, lanyard, and T-shirt. While the aforementioned objects were assigned, the color of water bottles and the value it represented would be chosen by the attendee.

Another area where we carried the color coding through was the general session main stage. The four pillars echoed the colors of the regions and values and were used to introduce speakers.

Attendees entering the general session, recorded by our video team

In addition to the work I directly created above, I mentored my direct report Amanda Cash, to create directional and decorative large scale pieces that we normally reserve for external events, ensuring the event was consistently on brand, without being redundant.

Main hall in front of general session and the registration desk

I also managed the general sessions slides, taking over after the agency that was hired couldn't complete the project. My presentation designer Mark Ziehm and I worked with our executives to finalize their presentations for our most successful SKO.



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